Darrel Voth

spiritual direction | spiritual formation | guided retreats | sabbatical coaching

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Holy Obsession

What an amazing weekend we had… so many great conversations with amazing people – some we already knew and others we are getting know. What brought us all together was a common desire to know how we could plug into what God is doing in the world.

Holy Obsession at Beautiful Feet

It was a great privilege watching  the Spirit move and open us up to God, to ourselves and to each other… it was just fun. From my perspective, it seemed like a real milestone in the journey of those who attended. And the coolest thing about it was that we did little more than provide a space. Really. The classroom time was simple and direct, the workbooks asked some thought-provoking questions and that was about it. We provided beds, food, quiet time and opportunity to hang out together.

It was really exciting to be a part of. This is why we’re here and what the partnership of our friends and family is enabling us to do.

When he saw the crowds,
he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless,
like sheep without a shepherd.
He said to his disciples,
“The harvest is great, but the workers are few.
So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest;
ask him to send more workers into his fields.”


Learn more about Beautiful Feet Boot Camp.

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The knowledge of the Lord

Clear Creek Abbey, Terse and High Mass, 19 October 2013Clear Creek Abbey Side Chapel

I see it surround the alter, the motion of the censer spills the heated particles in waves, rising in the cool air of the dim and unfinished cathedral then hanging in swirls as it cools in front of a tryptic of stained glass windows.

My mind lies silent for a while, floating on the ethereal chanting of scripture in the vast space of God’s presence. The breath and movements of the community are the only stirring in the cold openness.

A fragrance enters my awareness. Humbly, silently, the incense had patiently filled the cathedral, making visible the light from outside and becoming apparent that it, too, fills this sacred space. The light, which seemed inadequate earlier, I realize now is the only thing overcoming the cold darkness.

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meditation and service

I’m conflicted.
I love space, quiet, meditation. It’s a wonderful thing to immerse in God’s love. But I’m very aware that this can never become a selfish pursuit. I’m also aware of the voices within me during these quiet spaces of contemplation which say I’m not doing anything.

I also hear the voice which says resting in the Father’s love is enough. And so it is for that time.

Even so, Jesus has called me to work alongside Him. I cannot follow the path of Christ in the lotus position. It requires ready feet and open arms, a sharp mind and quiet heart.

These are things gained in meditation, but they are not meant for meditation. They are for active, loving service.

Today as I end my time with the monks, I feel that I’ve begun to know the entrance at least to contemplative space. And so I’m asking the Spirit within me
– to teach me to listen, in quiet or in chaos, so I may hear His leading
– for peace deep within myself and within my family
– for a clear mind
– a ready heart
– to know deeply the security of my place in the communal love with Father, Son and Spirit

Deo gratias.

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In thinking back to earlier this year, as we were in the midst of trying to figure out our transition plan to move us from our church, house and job in Kansas to our full-time ministry position in Oklahoma, I didn’t see how it would be possible for us to go through Beautiful Feet Boot Camp AND fulfill our roles in the mobilization team at Beautiful Feet.

I realize now that we couldn’t do our jobs withOUT going through Boot Camp. I’m so thankful that we’ve been able to commit our first six months – July through December – to this immersive training. And yes, we are also participating in the efforts of Beautiful Feet to mobilize the body of Christ to fullness of life, bringing the good news of the Kingdom of God in word and action to those people and places in the world who still know nothing of the King and His love. It’s a joyous privilege to have conversations with those who have heard the Spirit’s whisper and are intent on finding their appropriate response. We are seeing how crucial and how large this job will be. This realization either elicits fear or pushes us further into relationship with Jesus – it sort of depends on the day – but we’re learning more and more that intimacy with Jesus is the key.

We are tremendously grateful to everyone who has been and continues to be so supportive of us as we make this huge adjustment to our family’s life and for so much kind generosity that is covering our costs.

This is crucial and requires commitment from us, the staff here at Beautiful Feet and our supporting team. In short, we’re realizing how full-time ministry is less to do with a position (as task or title) and more to do with position (who we are in Christ, humbly postured, ready to receive and give His love).

We’re doing our best at our part, thank you all for doing yours!

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The quiet power of God

I had an unusually quiet shift at Joe’s Addiction yesterday. It was a real nice change of pace that afforded me two  wonderful conversations with a couple people from the community there. It was so nice to be able to just sit and relate together our similar journeys in life.

Joe's Addiction on Facebook

One person was my first friend at Joe’s – a formerly withdrawn man who has learned to have friends, you just need to be friendly – who was adopted as a baby and who was different than his peers… we had a great conversation connecting about the struggles and lessons learned along the way as he looks back on his life and as we look forward in raising our own adopted son.

The other person was a new friend whom we’ve gotten to know just since we’ve moved here. She’s been fighting her way forward in her own life journey, learning to follow God and trust Him, swimming upstream, against the currents of her circumstances. She and I have been working through similar issues in our understandings of doctrine and theology and it’s just encouraging to know you’re not the only one, even if neither of us has all the answers, and finding freedom in that letting go of “answers” in exchange for holding on to Jesus and His love.

I just really enjoyed the simple blessing of my short four-hour shift in a little coffee shop in Valley Brook. God is in the small things, yes?